Thursday, April 29, 2010


Dark Minoes
inspired by a children novel Minoes by Annie M.G. Schmidt, that i lend from Peni
(thx Neng :D)


This is AWW - Female United... a group of angry b******!
Don't mess with them ajajajja
(left to right: Yola - Ipit -FloLady -Odilia - Tatiana)

Smokie Ghost Odilia

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Finally, it arrived safely!
My first gift from winning in Evita Nuh's First Giveaway.
I loooove the Mango Delirium, and there's a lovely card too..
Thx Miss Evita.
(Here's the gift with baby Rory :D)

Friday, April 23, 2010



Create Your Own Ghosts!

Capture your favorite ghost in your mind and transform them into a drawing, a writing, or even a photograph! Remember, any ghosts will do!

Each of two winners can choose 1 of their own Suddenly's favorite t-shirt and bag from all Suddenly collection (as long as not the SOLD OUT items)!
No tax or distribution cost is charged for winners.

How to:
- click and become Suddenly's blog follower.
- Send us your ghost description into a writing, drawing, photograph or any kind of form to (photo or drawing should be in JPEG with max 1 MB size). Don't forget to named your ghost!
- Insert in the email, your chosen Suddenly's t-shirt (with your t-shirt size) and bag to be a prize if you win.
- Your creation should be original.
- Copy paste Suddenly's blog link
to your blog or your Facebook Profile or your twitter.
- Don't forget to invite friends, foes and families to join this competition.

Any kind of creatures can join this competition. We value your idea and creativity.

Your ghost creation should be sent to our inbox before May 29, 2010.
Winners will be announced on June 10, 2010.


Ciptakan hantu-mu sendiri!

Tuangkan hantu ciptaanmu ke dalam gambar, tulisan pendek atau bahkan foto! Ingat, hantu apa saja, asalkan kreasimu sendiri!

Masing-masing dari dua pemenang dapat memilih satu t-shirt dan satu tas favorit mereka dari semua koleksi Suddenly (tidak termasuk yang sudah SOLD OUT)
Pemenang tidak akan dikenakan pajak ataupun ongkos kirim.

- klik dan jadilah follower blog Suddenly
- kirimkan deskripsi hantu-mu dalam bentuk tulisan pendek, gambar, foto, apa saja ke (foto atau gambar harus dalam format jpeg dengan maksimum 1 MB). Jangan lupa beri nama hantu-mu!
- Tuliskan dalam email tersebut, t-shirt dan tas pilihanmu jika kamu jadi pemenang (jangan lupa sertakan ukuran t-shirt-mu).
- Karyamu harus original.
- Copy paste link blog Suddenly ke blog-mu, profil facebook atau twitter.
- Ajaklah teman, musuh dan keluarga untuk mengikuti kompetisi ini.

Semua makhluk dapat mengikuti kompetisi ini.
Suddenly menilai ide dan kreativitas setiap karya.

Hantu-mu harus masuk inbox Suddenly sebelum 29 May 2010.
2 orang pemenang akan diumukan pada tanggal 10 Juni 2010.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I can't believe this!
I'm one of the winner in Miss Evita Nuh's First Giveaway!
Thank you Miss Evita <3

(picture taken from Evita's First Giveaway)

BlackentheKillian - Kill 02

Killian says:
"kill the rainbow, bring the rain
(of blood)."

See Killian - Kill 01

Monday, April 19, 2010

BlackentheWannabe Take 2

yes... my wannabe no.2
I'm sooo in love with Emily!
*these are just fan arts made for private use only.*
See more stranges of Emily the Strange!
Emily the Strange is a copyright of Cosmic Debris Etc, Inc (“Cosmic”).


Killian says:
"I didn't kill the cat, curiosity killed the cat."

Friday, April 16, 2010


yes yes... i'm a fashion-designer-wannabe
still hold on to that dream until now
who knows.... maybe someday...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Dark Lady of Chaos

Nanny Mayhem

Meet Dark Lady of Chaos and Nanny Mayhem
together, they're indestructible
(inspired by Dark Lady Taeri Nilsson)

"the dead can't think, but all i can think of... is death" -yo-

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Miss Evita First GiveAway!
Surely don't wanna miss that, so what are you waiting for?
(picture from Evita's First Giveaway)


I summon Thee, Misery

I summon Thee, Misery

Thy love shall be misery
mirrors see
mirrors see
vision of jealousy

Thou art far from free
so let it be
let it be
a sad story!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


o my, these are old stuff..................
i made these when i was still in college