Sunday, July 29, 2012

BlackentheGiveaway: Amalia

These are the amazing artworks that Lady Amalia K. Aradea sent me
thank you
love them so much
I'll be framing them soon

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I'm joining ACT by Kopi Keliling with the other 99 illustrators from all over Indonesia
I'm so honored

There'll be Charity Night on August 4 
in 1/15 Cafe Gandaria 1 no. 63
Pls join ACT and click here

Friday, July 6, 2012

BlackentheLostLace: Black Flowery Day

Black Flowery Day
Painting/collage on Brandin O'Neill paper
with ribbon, black laces, black & white roses lace detail

size 29cm x 29cm

for sale!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

BlackentheLostLace: O Misery



O misery
Painting/collage in Glitz French Kiss paper
with white laces detail

size 28.5 cm x 16 cm
for sale

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BlackentheGiveaway: New Home

These giveaway prizes has arrived to my Lost Lace Giveaway winner, Clarencia's place 
I know the ponigirl, catulip and buttercat will love their new home

BlackentheLostLace: Flowery Fairy


Flowery Fairy
Painting/collage on Plumeria wild grape bistro paper
with white rose lace detail

Sunday, July 1, 2012

BlackentheGiveaway: Amalia K. Aradea

I can't believe this, i won Amalia K. Aradea's Giveaway!
can't wait
thank Lady Amaliaaa