Tuesday, July 23, 2013

BlackentheIllustration: Selene


(without laces)

The Moon Goddess
the original and framed artwork is adopted by Jono

*color pencil on A4 canson paper*

Framed and adopted, with black laces

Thursday, July 18, 2013

BlackenthePie: Hernov's Lemon Meringue Pie

I'm not a big fan of pie or lemon, or meringue.
But when I saw this Lemon Meringue Pie picture made by Hernov
I really want it!

So finally today, the punk pie came, still warm and fresh!
And the sweet smell fills my house.

It has a lovely look, with spiky meringue makes it unique and cute LOL
The pie crust is yummy, the lemon filling balances the sweetness of the soft-textured meringue.
It's a perfect companion for a lovely afternoon, with a cup of warm sugarless tea.

I love it, and if you're a sweet tooth, you'll love it too.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I got the chance to join a collective exhibition last June.
Art Illustration, was held by Urban District in Foundry 8.
These pics were taken at the last day, and so yeah, time to tidy up!

Thank you Odilia Fenny, Urban District, Red Closet, Prita Ayodya, Melda Hutabarat, 
Vita Wiguna, Ocha Moffatt

All pics were taken by my PIC Peni :)

my lil grim with my PIC Odilia Fenny


adopted by Jono

adopted by Nova

 Silentia attacks!

 Black Grim

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

BlackentheBook: A Tale of Crestfallen

they're here!!
my twinny Ljubi FloLady's first book:
A Tale of Crestfallen.

I really love this book.
It's gloomy yet beautiful. It's sad and honest, 
It's, as I quote from Crestfallen herself, "Painfully Pretty"

It may not be the greatest illustrations 
and I'm not the greatest illustrator
but I LOVE everything about this book.

So proud of you, moja Ljubi!
<3 p="">

 bookmark, book and handmade rose pin

 front cover

 back and front cover

inside sneak peek

100 handmade roses pins for 100 buyers
they're so lovely! 

small pouches for 12 mystery gifts
thanks neng Odilia Fenny for making the pouches!

all pictures are taken from FloLady fanpage
"It's a beautifully illustrated book with stories and short poetries about a girl named Crestfallen.

The book is printed in hard cover, with fancy papers and printed in full colours. As a complimentary, for 100 first flowery readers who order and buy this book, you will each receive a beautiful flowery bookmark and handmade rose pin inside the package.

The price of the book is IDR 109.000 Or 12 USD each (exclude shipping). For Indonesia area, we'll be using JNE. For international, we'll be using Indonesian Reguler Post Service."

Thank you Neng Odilia Fenny for helping me and Ochie
in making the mystery gifts and bookmarks.
Thank you my hubby Iyan Ardiyan for the lovely photos.