Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Me and Rory have a matching Tea for Two ribbons
all thanks to my masta Tatiana
She even made a beautiful card!

We looooooooooooove them so muchhhh
look at Rory, she can't stop smiling!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


When we were in Bali
Auntie Dionne gave Rory this beautiful fairy dress
It was Athena's

love it so much
Thanks Dionne <3

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blacken the KARTUPOSitif

(pic by Odilia Fenny and Suddenly)
(words by KAMAR)

Halo teman-teman...
Yuk, sebarin energi positif untuk Indonesia.
Beli KARTU POSitif ini,dan kirimkan ke pasangan/saudara/teman nyata/teman online/siapapun untuk memberi kejutan manis buat mereka, karena kami telah menyediakan perangko dan bis suratnya :D

Harga: Rp. 10.000
(sudah termasuk perangko)

Kampanye ini kerjasama antara:
KAMAR , Suddenly Sudden & Tukang Surat
Terimakasih juga kepada:
Ario Anindito , Eric Wirjanata, Ali ichsan, Devera Faridz yang ikut berpartisipasi.

Seluruh keuntungan penjualan KARTU POSitif akan disumbangkan pada korban Merapi dan Mentawai. Sambil menyumbang kita bisa sekaligus menebarkan + energi positif kepada orang lain. Kami para desainer tidak bisa mengobati maupun orasi. Kami hanya bisa berkarya. Semoga sumbangan kami bisa membantu :)

Untuk yang ingin beli dan mengirimkan melalui online, silakan pilih kartunya di album KAMAR dan email ke karmaproject@yahoo.com untuk data dan isi postcard. Kami akan menuliskan dan mengirimkan langsung.

Friday, October 22, 2010

BlackentheArtTrade: Reekaann Bellatrix

This is my first art trade, with one of my fave deviant artist : Reekaann !
Finally Reekaann posted the Art Trade for me, and i requested for Bellatrix LeStrange!
This is so awesome, i looooove itttttttttttt

As for me, she requested me to re-draw her own character, Miss Chyntia and Sir Edwin
This is my version of Miss Chyntia and Sir Edwin

Thursday, October 21, 2010


(pic was taken by Ocha Cherry Perez, thx Cher!)

One of my dream is to make my ljubi her wedding gown
I finally design the FloGown that she approved
but in the process, since i'm not a real fashion designer, i made some detail that were impossible or hard to make, so there were some adjustments.
But in the end, my FloLady look awesomely flowery beautiful in her FloGown!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


(pic was taken by Ocha Cherry Perez, thx Cher!)

for flolady's bachelorette gift pack from AWW
Printed in a white tank-top.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


it's the flowery peach wedding!
Moja Ljubi FloLady Ochie and Stephen 'Demomo'!
I already had the honor to be the Bridesmaid
and now, i have the honor to design their invitation!

It's exciting yet scary
I don't want to let them down
They wanted a simple rosy modern invitation
So this is what i came up with

and so glad that they like it :)

sooo happy for the rose and the bee <3

Friday, September 17, 2010


Have the Smokiest SmokyDay, our SmOky ghOst!


Monday, September 13, 2010


“The illustrations portrayed in The Spirits do NOT represent the physical appearance of the characters, but they represent a particular part of the characters."

Many thx to Moja Ljubi FloLady Ochie for the beautiful copywritings ♥

The Spirit of Wind

She’s always around. She’s the air who can be destructive, but inside, she's soft and tender.

The Spirit of Water

She’s the element who can fit into any kind of shape. She has a big heart and doesn’t mind sharing it with those who need it

The Spirit of Stone

Firm and wise, she looks like the toughest element of all, but her heart can always be tamed by time

The Spirit of Smoke

A mystery that could never be solved. She appears and disappears in a mysterious beautiful silence

The Spirit of Rain

She blesses and curses the world with her tears. She gives life to the universe, but once she is unhappy, she could take it easily

The Spirit of Night

She represents the darkness. She watches over the dark sky but loves to confuse the travelers by hiding the stars and the moon

The Spirit of Ice

Strong and powerful. A frozen beauty that admires as well as respects by others. She freezes the hatred and releases love to the world.

The Spirit of Flower

Blooms and blossoms in every heart, brings colors, spring, and joy to the world. But her hidden thorns can bleed every heart

The Spirit of Fire

She can be the enemy or the helper. Her rage can destroy everything in sight, and can only be calmed by her opposite spirit

The Spirit of Earth

Wise and truthful, beautiful and warm. She has laid down her arms to cuddle every people no matter how painful it is

The Spirit of Cloud

She can provide the world a calm day, but can also pour her tears without mercy. She is the hope in a very sunny earth

The Spirit of Aurora

Beautiful and untouchable but able to touch the heart of her admirers. She is a heart-warmer sight in the darkest night

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hola teman-teman

G mau ngenalin teman-teman semua ke Anisa Tegar Insani alias Nisa.
Usianya sekarang 3.5 tahun.

Karena kondisi ekonomi orang tua nya yang sangat kurang, saat hamil ibu dan Nisa dalam kandungan mengalami kekurangan gizi.
Si Ibu dan janinnya jarang bisa dapat makan, kalo pun makan, paling2 makan mie instan.
Pada saat lahir Nisa juga sempat keracunan air ketuban.
Nisa sempat dirawat di RS Cipto selama beberapa minggu.
Namun akibat kekurangan gizi sejak dalam kandungan, pertumbuhan Nisa jadi terhambat.
Di usianya yang 3.5 tahun kini Nisa belum bisa berjalan, bicara dan beratnya cuma 10kg.
Otaknya juga saat diperiksa dibilang dokter jauh lebih kecil dari ukuran otak normal.

Kabar baiknya, menurut para dokter di RS Cipto, masih ada harapan buat Nisa biar bisa kembali sehat, bisa berjalan dan berlari
dan bisa bicara, jadi Nisa pun harus diterapi di RS setiap hari Senin setiap minggu.

Untuk bisa jalan dan lari, Nisa memerlukan sepatu khusus, yang bisa menyangga kakinya yang kurus dan kecil.
Sayangnya sepatu khusus tersebut harganya sangat mahal, apalagi untuk keluarga Nisa. Harganya kurang lebih 1 juta Rupiah,
dan harganya semakin mahal bila kaki Nisa semakin besar.

Ayah Nisa kerjanya serabutan, sedangkan ibu dan nenek Nisa di rumah bergantian mengurus rumah dan mengurus Nisa. Rumahnya
kecillllllll bgt, satu kamar kecil yang ditempati 4 orang plus buat naro kompor, lemari dan perabotan lainnya.
Saking kecil rumahnya, mereka tidurnya harus ganti-gantian,kl tidur bareng2 tempatnya ga cukup! Makannya tiap hari ama
abon dan mie instan.

Nisa sendiri ukuran tubuhnya jauh lebih kecil dari anak seumuran dia. Bayangin aja, baju2 bekas baby g yang umurnya
baru 7 bulan muat loh dipake ama Nisa yang usianya udah 3.5 tahun!!!

So g mau minta bantuan teman2 skalian.
Mari kita bantu Nisa biar bisa terapi terus, dan bisa beli sepatu khusus sehingga bisa berjalan dan berlari.
Kalo bisa bantu dalam bentuk uang, atau makanan, atau baju anak2, jumlahnya ga masalah, yang penting iklas!

Buat yang pingin bantuin bisa transfer uang ke rekening BCA atas nama Yolanda Chandra 5270505921
uang berapa pun bole, 100% bakal diserahkan ke orang tua Nisa buat keperluan Nisa.
kl udah transf tolong konfirm g ke pardallic@yahoo.com

Kalo mau nyumbang barang boleh jg, tp kl bs sebatas makanan kaleng atau baju anak2, soalnya rumahnya kecil bgt, kl kebanyakan barang mereka bs tidur di luar huhuhu.
kirim aja ke alamat mertua g yang kebetulan tinggal di sebelah gang rumahnya Nisa, and si
Nisa emang sering main ke rumah mertua g.
alamatnya atas nama Sri Widiastuti
Jl. Pasar Baru TImur dalam 13b

Kalo ga bisa bantuin dalam keuangan atau barang, mungkin bisa bantuin sebarin berita ini ya.
dan jangan lupa gabung di grup nya di Facebook

Thx bgt semuanya


Nisa :)

Nisa's house :(

gang mau masuk rumah Nisa

Nisa dan Ibunya

Nisa pakai kaosnya baby g

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So one day I opened my drawer and found so many letterset!!!
and they're all fancy and nice. I started to collect fancy letterset since kindergarten. Back then i had so many pen friends so it was just normal if i buy so many fancy letterset. After that i always bought fancy letterset everytime i went to the book store, and ended up to have a big pile of fancy letterset!!!!

And now i don't have any pen friends, thx to e-mail and facebook :P
and the letterset just sat there, looking bored and tired.
I started to think something so i can use them, so they can fulfill their destiny, although it may not be as a letter :D

And OH how i loooove laces :D :D
i started to buy laces, 2m, just for fun, and now i have many unused laces.
and i also have so many drawings that i don't know what to do with them
they just sit quietly in my clear holder
so i did this
FloLady's drawing for her announcement card is my first trial
and i hope she likes it

my fave laces of all!!!
i bought this with Odilia's mom for my dress to FloLady's party
When we asked the store how many meter we can buy it, he answered shortly, "50 yards"
We were shocked!!!
i asked again how much was it
he answered calmly, "15.000"
15.000 a yard???"

"no... 15.000 all, 50 yards..."
:D :D
heaven is on earth called tanah abang LOL

Saturday, August 14, 2010


This is my original character named Nyla.
She is the spirit of the night and you can sometimes see her in a night with a full moon and the sky filled with stars.
They said if you see her in the night sky, your night will be blessed!

This illustration of Nyla is also inspired by the lyrics from the song titled "We Only Come Out At Night" by the Smashing Pumpkins, i think this song is related to Nyla :D

"We only come out at night, the days are much too bright
We only come out at night
And once again, you'll pretend to know me well, my friends
And once again, I'll pretend to know the way
Thru the empty space
Thru the secret places of the heart
We only come out at night, the days are mush too bright
We only come out at night
I walk alone, I walk alone to find the way home
I'm on my own, I'm on my own to see the ways
That I can't help the days, you will make it home o.k.
I know you can, and you can
We only come out at night, the days are much too bright
We only come out at night
And once again, you'll pretend to know that
There's an end, that there's an end to this begin
It will help you sleep at night
It will make it seem that right is always right
We only come out at night"

Water color and pencil color on BC paper edited in photoshop.
moon and sky image from sxc.hu

Friday, August 13, 2010


I made this as a tribute to my sister of darkness, the lady of wolf, Novenia

water color on bC paper edited in photoshop

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BlackentheAWW - 2

FloLady Ochie

SmOky GhOst Odilia


Tatiana Romanova

We are the women of AWW
don't mess with us!!!