Thursday, June 3, 2010

BlackentheTribute: Odilia

She's my PIC
my problem solver
the thinker, the ghost, the smoker, the silence

Her magical puff hands can never stop making arts!
The talented Odilia!
proud to be your PIC, neng!


  1. and don't forget, she's the one carrying the four of us if we ever got dumped in the ocean!
    *bener kan yang bisa brenang peni doang?
    apa peni doang yang bisa naek sepedah?
    yang pasti peni doang yang bisa manjat!

  2. ajaajjaja pen yg bisa berenang nak
    g ama ochie yg bisa sepedaan aajjajajaja
    lo bs ke toilet tanpa malu2
    n ipit bs ngamuk tanpa bisa dihentikan aajajaja

  3. eh ane bisa loh naek sepeda roda 3 istimewa, duduk dimuka samping kang ojek sambil balapan ....
