Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BlackentheTribute: Tatiana

She is my third twin
She's my angel/devil
She's my biatch daughter
She's my best friend
She's my unbiological sister
She's my companion in palem cafe, eating indomie with egg
She's my companion in endless nights, watching Friends with my disco lamp
She's my Pok, my Tatiana, my Pokimir daughta of Boromir

I used to envy her skill, her beauty and her attitude during college
but now I just adore her and her works
Love my Mastaaaa <3


  1. aaawwwh *blush blush*
    i miss indomieing with you, aaand those endless Friends night, aaaand the sleeping over with yer disco lamp, aaaand tentunya, waktu lu terkunci dikosan aye, dan gwa terdampar di kape palem bersama ipit yang tegateganya ninggalin gwa tidoooor! nyahahahhaahahahahaa
    *smoochie smoochie my mak, loooooveeee ya!

  2. i miss it too my nakkkkk
    love yaaaaaaaaaaa
